Welcome / Witamy!
Panna Maria, Texas is the oldest permanent Polish settlement in the United States.
Families from Silesia, Poland were invited by Fr. Leopold Moczygemba to settle this historic area in 1854. After a two-month journey, the Polish immigrants settled near the junction of the San Antonio River and Cibolo Creek where they celebrated their first Mass on December 24, 1854 under an oak tree. Their first church was built in 1855 next to the oak. Later, a more permanent structure was erected. The church was destroyed by lightning in 1875 and rebuilt in 1877. Many changes were made to the structure and a renovation in 2000 revealed a full painted ceiling in the sanctuary. The painted ceiling has been meticulously restored and is available for visitors to view. In 2013 the beautiful, large, stained glass mosaic windows were restored. This historic Catholic Church, Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, remains open and active to this day and sits peacefully next to the famed oak tree on FM 81.
The Panna Maria Historical Society was established in 1966 to ensure historical preservation and education. The story of Panna Maria and its Polish heritage is an important segment of Texas history. In 1936, the State of Texas recognized Panna Maria as the oldest Polish settlement in Texas by erecting a monument near the famed tree and church.
Today, the town is populated by many descendants of the founding families and remains true to faith, family and community. Many historic buildings of the original community surround the church and are part of the Panna Maria Historic District.
The Panna Maria Visitors Center is open every Thursday from 10 to 3 Standard time and 10 to 4 Daylight Savings Time. We are also open every weekend (except on holiday weekends). Saturday 10 to 4 and Sunday 1 to 4. CDC precautions will be followed for the safety of our volunteers and many visitors from around the world. Due to a limited number of volunteers schedule a tour by emailing pmhs.vstrctr@gmail.com to be assured there will be someone to greet and assist you. If we can assist you any other way please email pmhs.vstrctr@gmail.com. or call 830-780-4471 on days we are open.
Panna Maria Historic District
Established as a National Register of Historic Places site in 1976, the district encompasses 3,500 acres with 25 historic structures.
Panna Maria Historical Society
Panna Maria Visitors' Center
Located in the Panna Maria Historic District on FM 81 in the historic Pilarczyk's Store building
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Thursdays (Nov thru March) 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Thursdays (April thru Oct)
11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday except holiday weekends
1 p.m. – 3 p.m. Sunday except holiday weekends
Call for tours and information (830- 780-4471 or
Email: pmhs.vstrctr@gmail.com
13860 FM 81 P.O. BOX 52 Panna Maria, TX 78144
Snoga Store
Event space accommodates up to 40 guests
Call for rental reservations and information:
(830) 780-4471
Email: pmhs.vstrctr@gmail.com
Panna Maria School
Event space accommodates up to 150+
Large area that can be divided into 3 separate rooms
plus 3 additional rooms, kitchen area and stage for presentations
Call for rental reservations and information:
(830) 780-4471
Email: pmhs.vstrctr@gmail.com
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church
Located in the Panna Maria Historic District on FM 81
Open to visitors
Call for the schedule of services (830) 780-2748
13879 FM 81
Panna Maria, TX 78144
Panna Maria Hall
Event space reservations and information
Polish Heritage Center at Panna Maria
Open Wednesday thru Sunday
Panna Maria Heritage Center Foundation
Fr. Leopold Moczgemba Foundation

Calendar of Events
October 13, 2024
Annual Homecoming Turkey Dinner
Held every 2nd Sunday of October
This is a day of wonderful Panna Maria hospitality, highlighted by an auction, raffle, bingo, tours of historic areas, tamale sale, home made baked and canned goods, and the famed dinner served from 10 a.m. until sold out in Panna Maria Hall. This annual turkey dinner is prepared by members of the community with the turkey cooked over wood fires throughout the night.
Come early - good food goes fast !